Petra Nováková-Ondreičková, Universe

2. 4. 2015 – 19. 4. 2015

Current exhibition of artist Petra Novaková – Ondreičková focuse on the Universe as a main theme. She uses her own authorial technique, which calls itself a ‘drawing with knife’, when the image is formed by perforated paper and layering. Topic Universe takes in its ambiguity. Visuality of her ‘drawings with knife’ moves to an abstract level, recovered principles of space available in the material. In the meaning of the Universe she is not interested in cosmological questions, she doesn't understand the Universe as the totality of everything, something that claim to absoluteness, but the Universe she means as her own mental space. Although materia cosmological science defines the philosophical and physical form, but she works with it artistical way and therefore free. Part of the author's approach to work as a statement is that she recycles and re-creates their own works of art using the older artifacts, resulting it in a three-dimensional wall object or image. Its current work builds on previous cycles: Loneliness in the crowd, Habitats, Horizons, Genius Loci, Erosion, Civilization.


Petra Novakova – Ondreičková (1968) is the artist, which took to the stage in the first half of the 90s. She studied at the School of Applied Arts in Bratislava, then at the Academy of Applied Arts in Prague in the studio of Adela Matasova. She has participated in numerous exhibitions in Slovakia and Czech Republic and abroad, such as: Real – Utopic Breakfast (Ball Game Hall of the Prague Castle in Prague, Czech Republic, 1992), Germination Europe 8 (Breda, Warsaw, Athens, Madrid, 1993-1994), Marginalia (Museum of Art Žilina, 1994), Czech – Slovak Garden (Czech and Slovak Embassy London, GB), Pars pro toto (Slovak National Gallery in Bratislava, 1995), Dream of the Museum (Museum of Art Žilina, 1995), Paradigm Woman (Museum of Art Žilina, 1996), Medzisvet (Slovak National Gallery in Bratislava, 1998), Remote Similarity (National Gallery in Prague, 1999 – 2000), Slovak Art for Free (Biennale di Venezia, SK – CZ pavilion 1999) and others.